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An interview at school
From our correspondent in Lomé

Music lessons have been given by Togboga Komla Likem, the technical and educational director during the academic year.

About 8 pupils from 5th and 6th grades have followed weekly lessons of music theory on Wednesday and Friday afternoons at the Protestant College.


For the pupils, it is not easy to pay the 2000 CFA Francs (about 3€). Meanwhile, this amount hardly covers the actual costs (travelling expenses of the teacher twice a week, photocopies …


Because one teacher only is available and we have no extra pedagogic materials, we cannot enlarge our offer: a larger variety of music instruments and different levels of practice.


Moreover, pupils rarely own their own instruments: the music school must be able to lend them one.

Musique-Evenements in Togo needs to reinforce its financial, human and communication means
  • To develop its projects
  • To prepare the registration and the start of the new school year
  • To let know the association to the medias (announcements on the radio), to the cultural centers, to the churches, …
  • To give better financial means to the Musique-Evenements Band
  • To think of better meeting the teacher’s expenses